Vol. 1 No. 7 (2025): The responsibilities of Responsible AI

How AI can help Deep-Sea exploration Challenges

Diana Viegas
Nuno Cruz

Published 2025-01-20

How to Cite

Viegas, D. ., & Cruz, N. (2025). How AI can help Deep-Sea exploration Challenges. INESC TEC Science&Society, 1(7). Retrieved from https://science-society.inesctec.pt/index.php/inesctecesociedade/article/view/144


A very significant part of the deep sea is still unmapped, particularly in areas that are difficult to access. Earlier this year, new previously unknown "underwater mountains" were discovered in Chilean waters, teeming with deep-sea life. Exploring the deep sea reveals new species and ecosystems unknown to science, and this expedition brought to our knowledge about 100 new species. These discoveries highlight the potential for finding many more unique organisms, providing insights into how life thrives in extreme environments, which can lead to advancements in biology and ecology, and even provide clues about life on other planets.