Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): High Value Added, Resilient and Sustainable Industry

From Virtual Worlds to the Augmented Human

António Coelho
INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
Augusto Sousa
INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
Rui Rodrigues
INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
Filipa Ramalho
INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto

Published 2021-06-14

How to Cite

Coelho, A., Sousa, A. ., Rodrigues, R., & Ramalho, F. (2021). From Virtual Worlds to the Augmented Human. INESC TEC Science&Society, 1(2). Retrieved from https://science-society.inesctec.pt/index.php/inesctecesociedade/article/view/51


Immersive technologies enable humans to enhance their ability to intervene in the industrial environment more effectively and with less cognitive overload.The future industry will most likely be the stage for the emergence of an augmented human, immersed in industrial systems that will be more intelligent and autonomous.