Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Health

Artificial Intelligence and the Why Stage

Jaime S. Cardoso
INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering - U.Porto
Luís F. Teixeira
INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering - U.Porto

Published 2020-12-02

How to Cite

Cardoso, J. S., & Teixeira, L. F. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and the Why Stage. INESC TEC Science&Society, 1(1), 32–33. Retrieved from https://science-society.inesctec.pt/index.php/inesctecesociedade/article/view/28


The recent remarkable performance of Artificial Intelligence (AI), supported by Deep Learning techniques, has created expectations about its positive transforming potential in society. However, ethical and moral issues have also reappeared with great intensity. Interpretable AI emerges as a partial response to these concerns and the necessary continuous improvement.