Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Health

The New Spring for Artificial Intelligence

João Gama
INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering - U.Porto
Alípio Jorge
INESC TEC and Faculty of Sciences - U.Porto

Published 2020-12-02

How to Cite

Gama, J., & Jorge, A. (2020). The New Spring for Artificial Intelligence. INESC TEC Science&Society, 1(1), 26–29. Retrieved from https://science-society.inesctec.pt/index.php/inesctecesociedade/article/view/27


We interact with AI systems for a long time. Most of the time, the interaction was silent: we were not aware of the interaction. Nowadays, AI comes to the front page of journals: Watson won Jeopardy, AlphaGO won the world championship, an accident with an autonomous car, etc. In this article, we argue that the yeast of this vigorous AI Spring is machine learning and data sciences.